Tomas Pearce Website UI/UX Design

Project Scope
Develop the web layout and aesthetic for the new Tomas Pearce company website. The design should be constant with the company’s color scheme (black background, white typography, gray accents), and accommodate 3-tier navigation. Special consideration should be given to accommodate large gallery images and project thumbnails. Layout design must include personnel profile pages, project pages, gallery pages, blog, new, and contact page.

Part 1 - Layout Wireframe Concepts

Layout 1 - collapsed navigation

Layout 1 - expanded navigation

Layout 2 - collapsed navigation

Layout 2 - expanded navigation

Layout 3 - collapsed navigation

Layout 3 - expanded navigation

Layout 4 - version 1

Layout 4 - version 2

Layout 4 - version 4

Part 2 - UI Mockup Renderings

Profile page - portrait image variant

Profile page - landscape image variant

Project category page - Residential category rollover

Residential projects page - Regency Yorkville Private Suites project rollover

Project gallery page

News section

Blog entry page

Contract page