Seeking Alpha Web UI Redesign

Project Scope
Develop visual concepts to redesign the Seeking Alpha website and update its current aesthetic. The information density on all pages must be maintained or improved. Existing layouts should be preserved, with the changes being mainly stylistic. The key objective is to design a CSS-driven platform face lift without necessitating a major rebuild. Final deliverables must include design renderings for the Home page, Stock page and Article page, demonstrating three distinct visual styles for the client to evaluate. Current version of the website is available at www.seekingalpha.com

The Inspiration
This project was inspired by three distinct media trends to provide the client with a varied conceptual scope. Home page drew inspiration from newspaper and tabloid layouts to produce a modern twist on a classic medium which the target audience would be familiar with. Stock page focused on tabbed design as a theme. All tabs were given a minimal, simplified treatment to create a clean, modern aesthetic. Article page drew inspiration from modular design, using background color separations to sub-segment the main modules. Rounded corners were used to visually signify the beginning and end of each module.

Proposed navigation header changes

Home page detail (100% scale)

Stock page detail (100% scale)

Article page detail (100% scale)