Strikefit Training Logo & T-Shirt Design
Project Scope
Design a logo for a personal trainer specializing in kickboxing, and yoga. The logo has to reflect equal standing between the opposing disciplines, while demonstrating themes of harmony and balance. Deliverables must include a web-friendly logo, social media profile picture and t-shirt design advertising the company website. T-shirt designs are to be formatted for black, red and white t-shirt prints. The client also requested a logo variant for boxing versus kickboxing, and t-shirt variants omitting the website for a standalone Strikefit clothing brand.
The Inspiration
This design was inspired by the body silhouettes of strike and balance poses found in kickboxing and yoga respectively. Special consideration was given to display male and female athletes in the logo to demonstrate equity and inclusivity. The raised knee of the kickboxer was complemented by the downwards pointed knee of the yogi to create complementary balance. The theme of harmony was emphasized by the inclusion of the yin yang in the background to further underscore the trainer’s holistic approach to fitness.
Logo & Branding
← Kickboxing Variant | Boxing Variant →
Social Media Profile Icons